About us
Virginia Bell and David Troxel believe it is possible to make people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias feel safe, secure and valued—to help them live with dignity. Their comprehensive Best Friends™ Approach supports the people who carry out this important task. Easy-to-use, learn and apply, the Best Friends™ Approach is suitable for family care partners and professional caregivers.

Virginia and David are committed to bettering the lives of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias by equipping family care partners and professional caregivers with “the knack” of providing good care with ease. Their books, presentations, webinars and trainings are designed to equip you to:
- understand what it is like to have dementia
- keep up with the latest research
- make plans after dementia
- know what to say when communication breaks down
- offer the right activities, the right way
- support a spiritual or religious life
- be your own best friend
- hire competent, compassionate caregivers
- change the culture of your long-term care community